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Uploading a tune to Ktuner Flash

Posted: Fri May 19, 2023 2:14 pm
by bquackenbush
From what I've been able to figure out, it seems like you need to have the KTunerFlash plugged into the car in order to save a tune to the tune slot selection using the TunerView app. Is there a way to save one of the tunes to a tune slot without the KTunerFlash being plugged into the car? For example, I can open the tunes available for my car in the KTuner PC software and can connect the KTunerFlash to it with a USB cable. But, I can't see a way to save one of those tunes to a tune slot because the KTunerFlash isn't plugged into the car.

Unless I'm missing something, this would be a nice feature...especially since I'm always worried about running my battery out when I'm using the flash function in the app while the car is turned on in accessory mode.

Re: Uploading a tune to Ktuner Flash

Posted: Fri May 19, 2023 6:46 pm
by KTuner
You can upload tunes to the tuning slots on a unit that's already been locked to a vehicle at any time, with or without the vehicle, so I'm unsure what you mean.

TunerView is not involved in the process of tune creation or uploading tunes to a tuning slot.

There's a clear warning in the software when flashing or uploading tunes about using a battery charger on the vehicle.