Reading logs - Help needed

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Reading logs - Help needed

Post by Prozento »

Dear Ktuner
After I flashed the Dual21PSI (Non-beta) and drove a little I decided to take few logs to see "what is going on" inside the engine.
Between all the data I found there, I can read only few lines and of course for a beginner there are few lines that harder to explain. I wont dig into those that I cant even imagine what they say for now but ask things that can help me to understand the whole picture (a small black&white picture of newbie but somethings that I can begin from)
*Note: Hopefully this topic will be useful for many others too with same questions

Research 1: IAT1 and IAT2
On this link - - I found that they are Intake Air temperature. After that I started to search on the web and got to this topic:
One of the replies there state this thing:
"IAT1 is part of the MAF sensor and IAT2 is part of the Intake, which makes sense, IAT1 should be close to ambient temp because thats the air coming into the intake, the air gets heated as it is compressed by the turbo, then it gets cooled by the intercooler before entering the intake. Basically you will never be able to cool that compressed air to below the temp of ambient air."
Question: is this is the right statement?
Today I made some hard driving on new tune. The ambient temperature was 12-13 Celsius. After few hard floorings, my IAT2 climbed up to 35C while IAT1 stayed near 30C all the session.
Question2: Is it normal that IAT will be higher then IAT2. The logic says yes, but I want to be sure.
Question3: What are normal IAT overall reading? For example: If I see -X-C on a IAT1 or -X-C on a IAT2 I better stop flooring or stop to cool my engine a little

Research 2: ECT readings
This one supposed to be easy. I found that ECT1 is the Cooling liquid temperature inside the engine and the ECT2 is the temperature after radiator.
Question: Is it right statement?
Question2: Same as with IAT - what are values that supposed to shout for me that something is not OK, even before the warning light will came on.

Research 3: Knock and his friends
This is one of the most hard theme for me for now. I made few searches on the web and found this general info:
- Knocking occurs when fuel burns unevenly in your engine’s cylinders.
Then I tried to understand this page: ... ontrol.htm
but very fast I saw that this beyond my knowledge base so kept digging. I made few another search and found this info:
- Ignition Table - from what I understood is a table that control Ignition timing. This timing is the release of a spark in the combustion chamber near the end of the compression stroke. Every change in PSI or anything I changed in the engine will require work to get the right timing for the new system changes.
- Knock Retard is a product of the Knock Control Value multiplied by the Knock Retard Table Value (from last link)
- Knock Ignition Limitation Value...
Here I got lost. I understand the equation since math is easy for me, but I still see only X+Y-Z=T...while I know only the X meaning.
Question: Can you please in few words explain the meaning of Ignition limitation, Knock control and Knock retard table?
Question2: I saw on logs 17 knocks overall on all the session. They not appeared in line like 4....5....6... I just see the number 17 all the session. Is it ok?

Research 4: Misfire
The info I found is:
- The engine misfiring means that a car's engine skips over one of the processes of its combustion cycle.
Question: Is it OK that on the logs I see "Misfire Cyl 1 2 3 4" and have 4-5 misfire on each of them?
Question2: Again like in the question for knocks I see this values for all the session and they are not coming on line like 1...2...3.. etc. Is it ok?

General questions:
1. When I floor my car, the logs show 113% TPS and 100% On command. Why its not 100/100? Is it ok?
2. When cruising, sometimes same as on the first question I have 5%-10% on TPS but for example 27% on command. Why this scenario happening?

Hope you will be able to make it more clear and maybe even add some information on page

Thank you very much even if you only read all this
Looking forward for your reply
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Re: Reading logs - Help needed

Post by KTuner »

ECTs are pre and post radiator.

IATs are pre and post intercooler.

Watch knock control on this platform, not knock count. The help item you read is not for this platform.

TPS can read over 100. They're not supposed to be 1:1.
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Re: Reading logs - Help needed

Post by Prozento »

KTuner wrote:ECTs are pre and post radiator.

IATs are pre and post intercooler.

Watch knock control on this platform, not knock count. The help item you read is not for this platform.

TPS can read over 100. They're not supposed to be 1:1.
First of all thanks for the answer.
Got it about the ETC location.

About the IAT I cant understand something. In the beginning it fitted this logic you mentioned - one pre and 1 after - but then when I floored it. IAT was constant 30+-C and IAT2 was 16-22C. And it made sense for me - air coming from the turbo hotter than the ambient since of the pressure and the engine heat, and comes more close to ambient Temperatures after intercooler since it sitting in an open place.
But then, when I floored it, IAT2 jumped to 35 while IAT1 stayed almost the same (31+-). How come air comes hotter after the intercooler? Or maybe IAT2 is before intercooler and IAT1 is after? Something missing here :(.

Got it about knock control. What is normal value? 0.38 like you showed on the picture on your website or it need to be higher/lower?

Thank again for the help
Looking forward for your reply
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Re: Reading logs - Help needed

Post by KTuner »

I never mentioned the order of IAT, but IAT 2 is post in this case. Feel free to unplug it if you want to test that theory.

Knock control will move based on your fuel quality, knock feedback, and environmental conditions.
Joseph Gardea
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Re: Reading logs - Help needed

Post by Joseph Gardea »

I recently got the Ktuner V2 for my 2018 Honda Civic hatchback sport and noticed my knock control stays at .6-8 and goes up to .9 when driving harder. This was before tuning, I then uploaded the TSP stage 3 Map and was driving aggressively and it reached .12, I’ve only driven the car about twice now. At what point should I be concerned on how high that number goes? What’s the average knock control? And what can I do to lower the knock control.

I get 91 octane for my vehicle since 93 isn’t available near me. I also live in Phoenix AZ and it’s been 100-110 degrees the last week so I think the heat may be affecting knock but idk if it’s that big of an issue. I also have the prl intercooler to help out with the heat a bit.
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Re: Reading logs - Help needed

Post by KTuner »

Knock control will move based on fuel quality and environmental factors, including high temperatures. Let it do what it has to in order to protect your engine. You're not running one of our tunes, so there's not much I can comment on expected ranges.
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